Title: North Head Pink Sunset.
Canon 760D + Sigma 18 - 125mm @ 28mm
1/80sec, f/5.0, ISO 400.

I haven't swam at this beach in years but its a great spot to get wave shots, i was lucky enough to finish my shoot with such a nicely lit sunset,
Location: North heads Moruya
Title: My first sunrise at my local bridge
Moruya NSW
Canon 760D + Sigma 18 - 125mm Lens @ 32mm f/14, 1/20sec
ISO 200
Title: The Pole of Lost Soles.
Shelley Beach Moruya
Canon 760D + Canon 50mm prime Lens @ 50mm and f/1.8
1/500sec, ISO 400.
this Photo is very rare now for the simple fact that the pole for lost soles got washed away by a huge storm swell way back in Dec 2015,
i sold this to a lady on metal print for $65Aud
Title: Super Moon 2016
Shelley Beach Moruya.
Canon 760D + Sigma 18-125mm Lens @ 18mm f/4.5
ISO 800,  8.4sec

Title: the Rusty Boat
taken on Moruya Wharf at Sunrise
Weapon of Choice: Canon 760D DSLR + Sigma 18-125mm  Lens @ 18mm
ISO 100, 0.5sec, f/4 

A Portrait with a difference of a famous Melbourne Photographer and friend of a friend Mr Hugh Waller, taken by me with one hand.
ISO 400, 18mm, f/14, 1/200sec.
Canon 760D + Sigma 18 - 125mm.
Title: Watching the Stars in Mums Backyard.
Weapon of Choice: Canon 760D + Sigma 18-125mm @ 22mm.
ISO 800, f/4.0, 25.0sec

Title: Town Wharf at sunrise
Canon 760D + Sigma 18 - 125mm wide open @ 18mm.
f/5.0, 1/80sec, ISO 400. 

Moruya Nsw
took this shot from a distance at Narrabeen Lagoon across the road from the caravan park, in the morning before heading north towards Bribie Island Qld
I got creative and took this shot using my tripod and 10sec timer then ran in front of the camera and posed haha, 
Narrabeen caravan park,
I shot this photo while attending Luke Tscharke's Capture The Coast, Seascape photography workshop in Bondi Sydney at non other than Camp Cove Beach Watson's Bay. top spot!!
took this shot on day 2 of the Capture the Coast Workshop, started at 5:30am for sunrise at Bronte pool and beach, well worth the trip and the money. thoroughly enjoyed it 

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